The Story of Rolwaling Womens’ Will and Courage

यत्र नार्यस्तु पूज्यन्ते रमन्ते तत्र देवताः। जहां महिलाको आदर हुन्छ, त्यहाँ देवताको बास हुन्छ । Meaning: Where women are honoured, divinity blossoms there! When the Tom Weir’s Scottish expedition arrived Rolwaling in 1952, there weren’t much human capital needed to transport the expedition load over the Tashi Lapcha Pass. Especially, the so called rich and …

The Last Great Unclimbed Route on Everest!

There have been 11,500+ successful summits of Everest, most of them from the standard S-Col Route (Nepal) and N-Col Route (Tibet). The East Face of Everest however is rarely touched because of its sheer difficulty and exposure to hazards. The Fantasy Ridge is the greatest remaining challenge on Everest. Mountaineers consider this as a clear …

Elizabeth Hawley – The Keeper of the Mountains

Elizabeth Hawley (9 November 1923 – 26 January 2018) was an American journalist, author, and Nepal’s probably the most authentic Himalayan Chronicler. Embed from Getty Images Hawley came to Nepal in 1960 as a journalist for Time magazine and Reuters. “I came to Nepal. I never planned to stay. I just never left” saying, she …

Gangapurna Glacial Lake didn’t exist until 1979!

Dr. Hagen’s image of Gangapurna glacier shows that in 1957, the glacier terminus met the river with no lake. Researches have shown that only since 1979, there have been apparent signs of a lake – visibly showing the signs of glacier receding. As of now, Gangapurna lake is of 21 hectares area and the glacier …

The Mountaineer of First Everest Expedition who gave up everything to work at a remote hospital in India!

Dr. Theodore Howard Somervell is a name not as glamorous as Mallory in the Everest climbing history but his deeds deserve to be held to the highest degree of respect and appreciation. He was a member of the first Everest Expedition 1922. He had previously worked as a surgeon in World War I during the …

The Duke of Abruzzi: A Royal Legacy in Mountaineering

Luigi Amedeo Giuseppe Maria Ferdinando Francesco di Savoia-Aosta, ilDucad’Abruzzi (born 29 Jan 1873) This is a name. And if you guess a bit, the length of the name suggests this person might be a royal. Yes he was! Simply said, the Duke of Abruzzi was the grandson of Italy’s king Victor Emmanuel II,, and the …