About Us

Himalayan Institute of Tourism Education and Development (HITED) is a non-profit distributing organization based in Nepal.

As the home of mountains and country whose more than 80% area is covered by hills and mountains, Nepal’s tourism potentiality is unparalled. HITED was established in 2022 by youths who came from different backgrounds yet shared a common vigor of developing Nepal’s tourism with quality education, trainings, and innovative approaches, all while maintaining environmental purity and respect.

The Himalaya is a dynamic structure – geologically the youngest mountain range. There are highland communities far away from developmental impulses living in harsh conditions. Tourism has brought significant changes in their lifestyles, and it is indeed tourism, a major contributor of assisting those retarded places. But with the massive growth of tourism and mountain adventures lately, bigger problems are on the rise and HITED has taken up a responsibility of communicating, educating, and supporting the mountains, mountain lives, mountain workers about harnessing tourism for people and environment.

HITED seeks to promote Nepal Himalaya as a land of global concern.

HITED's Three Pillars


To contribute to the growth of mountain tourism in Nepal with a central focus on maintaining (Economic – Environmental – Sociocultural) sustainability.


To enhance both the academic and pragmatic level of tourism / mountain workers, business operators and associated people and community.


To contribute to the development of plans, policies, strategic missions and all the parameters that leads to the development of the entire Nepal Himalaya.

What do we do?
HITED's Scope of Work

We are the voices of the Himalaya. We aim at developing a future of Himalayan adventures that is equitable to every level of industry – the businesses, the government and the people.

Our competency is based on years of academic and scholarly understanding of mountains and pragmatic involvements in the real field.

Tourism development plans and policies drafting from local to federal level.

Specialized training programs enhancing knowledge in mountain tourism management and operations.

Cutting-edge research advancing understanding of high altitude environments and their impact on tourism.

 Effective communication strategies to convey scientific messages and findings to diverse audiences.

Comprehensive services for organizing, storing, and analyzing data relevant to mountains, mountaineering, mountain adventures mountain sciences.

Practical workshops and courses designed to enhance skills crucial for success in mountain tourism.

Customized course development focusing on mountain tourism-related topics and skillsets.

 Utilizing digital platforms to promote mountain tourism destinations and experiences effectively.

Tailored support services for tourism business operators to optimize their operations and offerings.

Interpreting scientific information and findings for the general public in engaging and understandable ways.

Himalaya and Himalayan

We believe in tourism for peace, prosperity and people. We can not expect to promote tourism in case it does better for companies and not the people or environment.

Why should someone risk their life to carry a skull crushing load in below-standard gears high up in the mountains? All that to make just enough wage to support their families. No health or job security! Mountain workers suffer one of the harshest working environments in the world and that too until their body allows to. There is no life after retirement. There is no social security. This is why HITED has kept mountain lives at the center of our philosophy. Both Himalaya and those who live in the Himalaya (Himalayan) should benefit from tourism. HITED sees the solution to this issue as quality education, training, and developmental impulses in the mountain regions.

Our Team

Team Members
Anish Dahal Anish Dahal Hover
Anish Dahal
Founder President
+977 9820705964

Author and academic with a passion for leadership development and community empowerment.

Ashok Nepal Ashok Nepal Hover
Ashok Nepal
+977 9861026468

Passionate climber dedicated to promoting environmental awareness through adventure sports and outdoor education.

Nirendra Maharjan Nirendra Maharjan Hover
Nirendra Maharjan
+977 9841457535

Experienced wilderness first responder and avid mountain biker with a background in medical sciences.

Poshan Shahi Poshan Shahi Hover
Poshan Shahi
+977 9868027760

Professional climber and talented photographer dedicated to capturing the beauty of the natural world.

Pranjal Pokharel Pranjal Pokharel Hover
Pranjal Pokharel
+977 9867808957

Mountain enthusiast and researcher passionate about exploring the ecological impact of human activities in high-altitude regions.

Sushant Dhungel Sushant Dhungel Hover
Sushant Dhungel
+977 9849500185

Experienced climber and trainer dedicated to promoting safety and skill development in mountaineering.

Bill Bolduc


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Peggy Berlin

Lead Designer

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Maria Alberts


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